7 one of those days.


You know those days when it feels like everything that needs to be done finally catches up with you and there is no way you will ever finish it all?  I'm having one of those days.  I've got a million things going on all at once and I feel like I'm running behind.

First there's the things I need to do, including but not limited to:
-Gather all the supplies, print, and assemble the invitations for my cousin's bridal shower next month (and yes, I do have to make them because this cousin saw the invites I made for my other cousin's shower)
-Plan said bridal shower
-Design wedding invitations for the same cousin
-Finish designing the menu for The White House
-Tweak the design and order drink tokens for The White House (from Bullfrog Laserworks, they've been great to work with!)
-Design and print business cards for The White House

Did you know I'm now a graphic designer?  Because I didn't.  I like helping my family when it comes to design stuff, but it all happened to be piled on all at once.

Then there are the things I should do, even though I should probably be focusing on the "need" list
-Make a quilt to donate for the AHA Heart Walk
-Sew together the first items for my shop
-Finish my wedding recaps
-Blog here daily (because I need my daily fix from all of you!)
-Actually get some exercise for once

Of course there are always things I want to do (this is where most of the sewing comes in)
-Finish my Nicey Jane patchwork quilts
-Make myself a dress
-Finally put together the tutorial for the ruffle quilt
-Make a market tote for my mom
-Make the million other quilts that are constantly running through my mind

Oh yes, I also need to clean my apartment (we have company coming this weekend) and work a 40 hour week at the job that actually puts food on the table, where there is another list that is just as long as this one if not longer.

So when am I supposed to rest to get rid of this sinus infection and ear infections in both ears?  I think I need an assistant!  And a nap.

I'm sure most of you are in the same boat as I am... what do you do when you're feeling overwhelmed?


  1. Wow, I would feel overwhelmed as well! Whenever I'm facing a daunting list, I find that subdividing into further lists of "must do" and "nice to do" helps. Good luck!

  2. I completely feel you on being overwhelmed! I thought planning a wedding was stressful but that was NOTHING compared to buying a house and all that's involved! I like to make a list to manage things, it always makes me feel good to actually check things off a list. And of course every check mark deserves some wine!

  3. I'm there with you on the overwhelmed. I'm moving from Chicago to Florida in 23 days and have to pack my whole apartment. It's crazy. But, when I'm doing all my stuff I first make a list so that I can see what I have to do and can check it all off then I listen to some really good upbeat tunes while doing whatever needs doing.

    And in times of dire stress, I take all the dishes out of my cupboards and wash them.

  4. I keep an "It's a GIANT of a To Do List" tacked up by my computer.....just to make me smile. There are plenty of things I want and need to do and it's nice to know they're all written down so I don't forget. I'd rather see it all there at once than have that nagging thought kicking around in my head that I've forgotten something. And then there's the sweet satisfaction I find in brandishing my Sharpie and marking something off the list. One day and one task at a time.....it'll eventually all get done. *grin*

    I'm excited to see the Ruffle quilt on your list; that was my favorite SYTYC project!

  5. I'm sorry Holly, I know the overwhelming feeling you're experiencing- I have been feeling overwhelmed for the past 18 months since my daughter was born! I used to be able to complete my to do list easily when it was just the two of us, but now, that to do list just keeps growing longer and longer by the minute.

    But you know what? It's my to do list that keeps me sane :) I like having projects to work on, and things to plan, and ideas running around in my head- these things make me happy amongst all the chaos going on!

    I hope you feel better soon- I'm pretty sure the sinus and ear infections aren't helping matters.

  6. Just take everything one step at a time, my dear, and be sure to break your must do's up with some of your want-to-do's so that you don't get overstressed. Remember, too, that you have a wonderful hubby who I'm sure would just LOVE to clean that apartment for you before your guests arrive :)

    Get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids (even if it means a glass or bottle of wine), and remember your passion in all you do.

  7. I know exactly how you feel when it comes to helping everyone you know out with design related stuff I dont think people get how long it takes or that you cant just switch creativity on and off. What starts out fun can turn into a chore when you feel under pressure to get it done now but you can do it Holly because were all here cheering you on!

    ps. we will still love Bijou even if you dont make it here to blog everyday. we wont hold it against you while you catch up ;)


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