
Quiltcon bound and some things you may not know about me.

As you read this, I am headed off to Austin for Quiltcon!  I am seriously excited and yet, always nervous for these types of events for some reason.  Being mostly an introvert makes things like this a little overwhelming for me.  I'm sure some of you can relate?

The Modern Quilt Guild is encouraging everyone to post a picture of themselves to put a face to the blog to make it easier to meet in person, and I am late to the party but still wanted to share, so this is me.

And just for fun, here are five things you may not know about me:
|  One  |
By day, I am a biomedical engineer.  I work for a medical device company doing usability/human factors testing and user interface design, and am lucky enough to work from home most of the time!  I do have a cube in our Boston-area office though and have to show my face there once a month or so :)

|  Two  |
I have three wonderful sisters, and each of us are a little over 5 years apart in age (17, 23, 29 and 34).  We are all in different places in our lives and our personalities are all completely opposite, but thankfully we still get along really well for the most part!

|  Three  |
My husband and I met in high school.  I spent a portion of my junior year trying to set him up with one of my best friends for some reason, but thankfully neither of them was very interested in the other :)  We've been together for 12 years now, and married for 3.5.

|  Four  |
I am very picky about the types of meat that I'll eat.  I can't even swallow a piece of steak because of the texture (it feels like I'm eating muscle, which I suppose is true!).  I am in love with vegetables though, and I've never met a vegetable I didn't like (other than green beans...ick!).

|  Five  |
You will probably never see me in public without a scarf or a necklace on.  They're my wardrobe security blankets!

and a bonus  |  Six  |
I never considered myself a creative person until a few years ago, and I still have a hard time defining myself as a designer/quilter/blogger/etc.  For the most part, I don't believe that creativity is something you are born with, I think it is something that is learned just like science or math.  The more time you spend doing creative things, the easier it becomes and the more you improve, just like with anything else in life.

Now that I've gone all philosophical on you, I think it's time to end this list!  If you see me at Quiltcon, please say hi!  I am terrible at approaching others but I really do want to meet you :)


  1. Love your scarf! Wish I was going to Quilt Con but maybe someday. For now I am stranded by a snow storm, guess I'll have to sew all day. Who won the washi tape? Do you post the winner? Have a great trip.

  2. Great post Holly! So nice to know people behind blogs, especially blogs we love! Have fun at the conference!

  3. I am feeling kind of nervous about approaching other bloggers while at QuiltCon (don't want to seem like a spaz! LOL). But since you insist, I guess I can be brave enough to say hi if I see you. :)

  4. Holly, I'm so glad you posted so that I can look for you! I'm not a blogger but a loyal follower, and I love your postings. Don't worry about being introverted at this big party. I think we will all be in a very happy place with people just like ourselves!

  5. It was so nice learning more about you! I can't leave the house without a necklace or scarf on either- today I'm wearing both. :)

  6. So fun to learn more about you Holly! I was a math and biology major in college and feel very similarly about creativity. I think that sometimes being comfortable with math and more technical concepts lends something new to the creative process, it's great to have that balance :)

  7. Oh I hope I run into you there!! :)

  8. Can't wait to meet you at QuiltCon! Loved learning a little more about you!

  9. i love your five things! i'm super shy, too, but am surprised to hear that about you... you didn't seem shy to me at all! but don't worry, i'll totally talk to you at quiltcon. ;-) see you soon, lady!

  10. Even though I am not at Quiltcon I have loved the 5 things posts! So I know another biomedical engineer in the Boston area...but I am sure there are numerous firms around but on the small world chance...do you know Elizabeth Nelson?

  11. And on a second note...I have my Liberty hanging too! I love seeing it every day, makes me smile.

  12. I love this post so much! I am a newer follower of yours and I love everything you make. You are so adorable!

  13. Hope you had a great time. Regarding your philosophy on creativity, I used to paint quotes on the walls of my sewing room. One was something like "You can't use up creativity--the more you use, the more you have," or something like that. Anyway, you probably know what I'm trying to say...

    I'm an introvert too. But have had absolutely stellar experiences meeting blogging friends in real life.

    But then I need some alone-time to kind of decompress...

  14. Hi! I love your blog! I'm a new follower :)
    If you want you can follow my blog too...
    Timeless mode
