Showing posts with label fantastic quilt voyage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fantastic quilt voyage. Show all posts

14 Fantastic Quilt Voyage: Nicke's Quilt.


Last month was the first round of working on quilt blocks for Fantastic Quilt Voyage, a traveling quilt bee that I am in with some friends. Nicke's quilt came to me first, and she was asking for quiet and calm blocks in black and white with touches of gold. She's a girl after my own heart! I was excited to get started and after looking through her pinterest board, found this pin.
I quickly drew a version of the photo up in Illustrator, made freezer paper templates and a test block, cut out my fabric and got sewing! The blocks were tiny and had y-seams so they took a few days to make, but I really enjoyed the process.

 I was excited for an excuse to add in a few gold fabrics from my stash!
I am really happy with how the finished block turned out. I'm tempted to make a whole quilt like this now for myself!
I am always reminded that y-seams really aren't that scary when I make something with them! If you haven't tried them yet, you should. 
 Nicke's quilt is going to be so pretty! I can't wait to see it finished.
You can follow along with the quilt bee by checking out the #fantasticquiltvoyage hashtag on IG!
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