Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts

7 holiday making.


Well I completely failed to get official finished photos of everything I made for Christmas gifts other than Dani's quilt, but hopefully Instagram pictures are good enough?

Open wide pouches for my sister Gaby, pillowcases for my grandmother (I use the hot dog method), and Don't Be Crabby pillows for my nephews.
Cardamom cakes (sorry, secret family recipe), salted caramels and salted caramel sauce.
  And of course, a bunch of Christmas cookies!  Not as many as I typically make, but still plenty.
I was happy with the amount of handmade gifts I could give out this year, especially since I didn't really make many ahead of time!  It was a busy week before Christmas, that's for sure.

4 happy friday!


It's Friday, friends!  Do you have any plans?  I'm off to cheer on my little sister in a dance competition this weekend.  Should be fun!

Here are a few of my Instagram photos from the past week or so.
I feel like I can't say it enough, I love Instagram!  It's great for keeping up with friends and family.  Things I'm making usually make it there before they ever get to my blog, simply because it's so easy to share there.  My name on Instagram is bijoulovely if you want to follow along.
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