Showing posts with label lovely fabric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lovely fabric. Show all posts

7 Brush Strokes.


There are some big changes happening in my life lately. Some good and some not so good. But one of the most exciting things going on is that I have my first fabric line coming out with Cloud9 Fabrics next spring!  I am so grateful to be a part of the Cloud9 family, they are such a great company to work with! You can read my designer bio on the Cloud9 website here. The collection is called Brush Strokes and will be shipping to stores in June.
Brush Strokes is a playful collection of graphic blooms and geometric prints painted in vivid shades of watercolor. It includes 16 prints on organic quilting weight cotton. It also coordinates really well with Cloud9's Cirrus Solids. I'll give more details on that in the spring!
I had so much fun painting all of these patterns! I can't wait to see them on fabric. Thanks to Cloud9 for such an amazing opportunity! 
I will have the collection available to purchase once it's released. If you're a fabric shop owner looking to purchase the collection, please contact Cloud9 Fabrics to order!

8 Experimenting.


I've been experimenting a bit with block printing and hand painting fabric lately. It's really fun!

I've been really into simple, graphic, imperfect looking patterns lately, so I printed some up to include in a new quilt.

I love how they looked mixed in with these pretty prints!
These fabrics will all be included in a new traveling quilt project I am doing with a few friends.  I stitched up two starter blocks for the quilt and shipped them off this week to start the project. I've had this first block design in my head for awhile, just some simple pieced stripes with a gold heart appliqued on top!
My second block was improv pieced.  Just strips put together on different angles.  I mixed in my own prints in this one, which was fun!  Now I want to make an entire quilt like this.
Pretty happy with how these turned out!  I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else makes to add to the quilt.  You can follow along on Instagram under the #fantasticquiltvoyage hashtag.

8 Modern Solids Challenge.


A few weeks ago, I got the most beautiful box in the mail! Filled with Free Spirit solids in colors hand picked by Denyse Schmidt.
I was asked to participate in a contest called the Modern Solids Challenge with several other bloggers. We'll each be making a 60x60" quilt using the box of Denyse Schmidt Modern Solids, and the design must be inspired by a traditional quilt pattern or concept. Sounds like fun! 
I have finally figured out my design and should be starting to sew next week! I've decided on a color scheme too, which is always my favorite part.

I'll be sharing my progress on the quilt both here and on IG over the next few weeks, under the hashtag #modernsolidschallenge. You can check out everyone else's progress there too! You'll be able to vote on your favorite quilt as well once they're finished.

7 Brambleberry Ridge.


It's been quiet around here lately as I have been trying to balance work, sewing, and photography.  It's the busy season for senior portraits, which is really fun, but that means less time to do other things.  I just finished my last big deadline sewing project for a little while, so now it's time for some fun!  I'm going to cut into Violet Craft's new line, Brambleberry Ridge this week and do some simple sewing.  I wanted to share some photos of the fabric first though, because it's just so pretty!
Coral, Mint, Lilac and Taupe, with lots of metallic gold accents.  I'm sure you all know by now how much I love these colors!
This collection has a good mix of prints, including deer, lace, plaids, dainty florals and triangles.  Plus more of those birds I just can't seem to get enough of.

Here it is all stacked up!  Isn't it gorgeous?
I was lucky enough to get some advanced yardage from Violet and the team at Michael Miller Fabrics.  I'll be sharing more about my project later this week over on their blog.

Brambleberry Ridge is in shops now and can be found at Fat Quarter ShopStash Fabrics and Bobbie Lou Fabric Factory.

14 making rainbows.


I am working really hard this week on a new quilt for Love Patchwork & Quilting.  I can't share it with you just yet but I did want to share a little bit of the view in my sewing room this week, the rainbow of color is just so pretty.

I am very grateful for the generous team at Robert Kaufman for sending me a ton of Kona Cotton to use in this quilt!  I supplemented it with some yardage from Pink Chalk Fabrics and I think I have almost the entire Kona rainbow now!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!

5 saturday stash.


I've got some pretty fabric and yarn to share with you today!  This beautiful stack of Eloise Renouf's newest collection for Cloud 9 called Shape of Spring came in this past week for a new project.  It will be available in stores in May.

I made a trip to the yarn store today and couldn't resist a few new skeins!  I love this Sublime Baby Cashmere Merino Silk, it's so soft!

I've been eyeing this pretty Prism Merino Mia in Arroyo for awhile and finally bought some!  Not sure what it will become just yet but I really like the colors.

I've made some sock progress lately and finished the heels on this pair during my knitting class today.

I finished my first sock last week too on my Van Dyke socks!  I spent most of last night working on the second one.  It was a wild Friday night! :)

Hope to get some sewing done tonight so I have some things to share with you next week! Hope you're all having a nice weekend!

9 around here.


I've been working hard this week on a few projects that are making my sewing room a total mess.  Thankfully fabric is pretty whether it's stacked up nicely or just thrown in a pile, and it's definitely the latter in here right now.

I'm in that stage where everything is half done.  Kind of frustrating because I am craving a finish!  Hopefully soon I'll have some actual projects to show here!

9 saturday stash.


It's been a long time since I've done a stash post around here!  I just got in a pretty bundle of Sweet as Honey yesterday from Stash Fabrics and I had to share, it's just so beautiful!

 I added in a few fabrics including some mints, orchids, and golds last night to start a new project.

I'll be working a little more on this project today and I'm excited to see how it comes together.
 Hope you all have a nice Saturday!
You can find Sweet as Honey by Bonnie Christine for Art Gallery Fabrics at the following shops:
Stash Fabrics
Fat Quarter Shop
Bobbie Lou Fabric Factory
Gray Rayne Fabrics
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