Showing posts with label the white house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the white house. Show all posts

2 white house visitors.


I haven't wrote any posts about The White House in a long time.  Business is good, and it's really starting to pick up this summer.  We've had a few special visitors in the past couple months, so I thought I'd share some pictures with you!

In March, my parents hosted a meet and greet with Michigan's U.S. Senator Carl Levin.  I was out of town for that event, but here are few pictures from the Dickinson County Democratic Party.

This past week, we hosted another meet and greet, this time for Michigan's First District U.S. State Rep Dan Benishek.

It's been kind of fun hosting these types of political events!  I know my parents really enjoy it, especially my dad.  It's kind of fitting for a Tavern & Grill called "The White House", don't you think?  Now if we could just get President Obama to visit...

2 in the news.


The White House made the news!  Not like it's all that hard in a small town like Iron Mountain...but still, press is press.  Check out the clip.

5 TGIF...sort of.


I'm kind of afraid to go back to the UP this weekend.  The business is doing well so far.  Almost too well.  As in, not enough fridges to store the amount of food that is being served in one day without running out.  Sending me pictures at 5am of the ribs they are currently putting in the smoker so they don't run out (and not having left from the night before yet).  My parents haven't really had time to sleep or eat all week.  They need to hire more people but don't have enough time to actually figure out who to hire.  I've been a nervous wreck all week because I can't be there to help them.  It's kind of stressful!  I'm a slightly isolated from it while I'm here...but as soon as I get home I know I won't have time to sit down for 2 minutes all weekend.  Hopefully I'll feel better just being able to help a little bit!  I know it will get a bit more manageable for them after the "honeymoon" period is over... you know, when people aren't going there for lunch and dinner on the same day!  I am so grateful that they've been having such a good turnout so far, it's just a lot to handle during the first week.

In other news, I've been doing a little sewing this week even though I'm not really in the mood.  I'm making a quilt to donate to a silent auction at work that will benefit the American Heart Association (p.s. want to donate?  you can do it here!), and I need to finish it next week.  That means I had to make some progress on it before we leave today.
I'm making a lattice quilt like this one from Film in the Fridge.  Maybe someday soon I'll actually come up with my own ideas for quilt designs, but to be honest I just haven't had time lately.  So thanks Ashley for being my main source of inspiration!  I still have to trim these blocks before I can sew them together, but that's going to have to wait.  I also need to figure out what I'm doing with the back because my Kona Ash is in short supply and I don't think I have solids in any colors that match the prints (fabric is Arcadia).  I'm open to any ideas you might have!

Next week I'll have some pictures of the bridal shower I'm throwing for my cousin this weekend to share.  Did I mention that's being held at The White House this weekend too?  Because obviously there isn't enough going on there already, what's another 50 shower guests added to the mix?  I'll let you know how everything goes, assuming I live to tell the tale.  Happy weekend!

11 open for business.


Big news today people.  The White House opens for business at 11am today!  I wish I could be there to see the first customers walk in the door.  It has been a long, hard road but I am so proud of my parents for finally opening the business they've always dreamed of.  I know the food will taste as good if not better than it sounds on the menu!

I put this menu together last week once I finally got the list of what they're serving and the ingredients for each.  It's supposed to look sort of like an old newspaper.  They were printed yesterday and are being delivered this morning, talk about cutting it close!!  I'll take a Caprese Sandwich and some Lake Superior Whitefish...yum!  Now I'm hungry.  Good thing we'll be there to taste the delicious food ourselves on Saturday, but it is going to be hard for me to wait that long.

13 The White House.


I spent the weekend in the UP, first at a wedding in Copper Harbor (aka really far it).  Then we drove to Iron Mountain for the first of many gatherings at our family's restaurant.  After spending the day hanging artwork, we enjoyed delicious food and a wonderful time celebrating the fact that it's almost finished.  Only a couple more weeks until it opens!  I thought I'd share a few pictures here since it's one of the things I've been working on the most in the past 10 months or so.
This is the dining room.  My mom and I chose all of the paint colors.  My dad thought I was crazy at first, but I kind of love them together in this space.  We were going for a blend of modern and traditional meet presidential.
Featuring some fabulous original artwork from Samantha Biallas.  We still have to add a piece of art to the mantle and attach the brass eagle to the brick on the fireplace.  We also have the curtains left to hang.

Now entering the bar, with a view of the JFK caricature we gave to my parents at our wedding rehearsal (painted by my cousin, Brock Rumohr).
Not to worry, the liquor shelves will be stocked soon enough!

Then onto the deck.  Perfect to enjoy the live music on a summer night.

The view from the street.
A closeup of the sign we designed. I love it!
Hopefully in a couple weeks this place will be packed.  But there are a lot of little things we have to finish first!
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